quarta-feira, 13 de outubro de 2010

Novidades na Biblioteca "Antroposimetrica"

Foram postados os seguintes textos na biblioteca "antroposimetrica" (veja no link ao lado):

A Relativistic Account of Einstein's Relativity - B. Latour
Technical Work and Critical Inquiry: investigation in a Scientific Laboratory - M. Lynch
Random Walk Models for the Spyke Activity of a Single Neuron - Mandelbrot
The Evolution and Structure of Science and Technology in Sri Lanka - Amaradasa e Silva
Tunisian Science in Search of Legitimacy - Sno
The Capacity for innovation and the Trajectory of the Indian IT Industry - Sridharan
Cartography and Science in Early Modern Europe: mapping the construction of knowledge spaces - Turnbull
Geopolítica da Amazônia - B. Becker
A Fumaça do Metal: História e Representações do Contato entre os Yanomami - B. Albert
Multilingualism in the Northwest Amazon - A. P. Sorensen
Recent Ethnography of Indigenous Northern Lowland South America - J. Jackson
A preliminary study of space and time perspective in Northern Colombia - Reichel-Dolmatoff
O que é ecologia de paisagens - J. P. Metzger
Biopiratas e Biocolonialistas - O. C. Sáez
The Possession of Kuru: Medical Science and Biocolonial Exchange - W. Anderson

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